Class classification planned

Government is said to be considering sorting people into social groups for 'administrative purposes'
Government is said to be considering sorting people into social groups for 'administrative purposes'
The way your hair looks may reveal more about your personality than you might have thought
New research indicates that the parts of the brain controlling speech can sometimes outpace rational judgement
The Think Tank, In Bibo Veritas, is reviving an old method of decision making.
Fashion recognition software to help you get dressed in the morning
Scientists believe they have discovered that it is the car itself which causes road rage
There are worries that differences in people's height could lead to a two tier system
Security surveillance monitoring may soon be handled by the private sector
It has been suggested that the royal family could represent a repeatable success story
Our special correspondent from Pyongyang continues his weekly look at corrupt western influences
A property covering no amount of land and occupying no space has been bought in the heart of London
Makers claim it will induce a feeling of peacefulness in the waiting room or queue
It has been suggested that a revolution could be staged by locking Britons out of their own country
It is being suggested that flat floor surfaces should be replaced with a more uneven design
A new service enables online content to be automatically uploaded without the user needing to think of anything to say
Mario Draghi informs of his reaction potential to the punctures of inflation and plots the replies of his organism
The Nullist Society has compared the pursuit of happiness to the fashion industry's fixation with weight
A new, innovative screen 'time-out' system aims to reduce the potential enfeeblement of mental faculties by shutting down if brain activity falls below a certain level