The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
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Hypnosis aids revision for exams

Schools and universities have voiced serious concerns over the use of hypnosis to give students an advantage in exams.

Widespread concern has been expressed at the news that a highly controversial new service is being offered to students revising for exams. The service is being offered by a company which employs a number of experts in hypnosis who are able to place the students in a hypnotic state and 'implant' the knowledge they require to pass an exam. The company involved,HypnoEd, was unrepentant yesterday: "We are being accused of helping students to cheat but we are just enabling revision by other means." said a spokesperson for the company. "After all, everything that they're taking into the exam is in their heads. Also these are not just bits of information or isolated facts - we can front load whole essay-style answers." However, the spokesperson did admit that the knowledge imparted under hypnosis was not very long lasting. "We are quite worried about this." said one head teacher. "This is not proper learning. On the other hand, it's not obvious how we could set about policing it. It's a real dilemma."



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