The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
The Stories Beside The News

Mobile home design to assuage traffic problems

A revolutionary new design has been devised to transform the problem of traffic queuing behind slow moving camper vans.

The inventor, Tom Gulden, spoke of his delight at having perfected the new ‘flyover’ design. “This is an idea that we have been kicking around for some time now but there have always been weight-strength ratio issues associated with all our previous attempts. Now that we have been able to use a combination of a radical new alloy combined with carbon fibre components, we have overcome those problems.” Mr Gulden explained that the curved ramp superstructure could easily be adapted to fit to any model of camper van (though plans for car and camper van combinations were some way off). “The design adds considerable aerodynamic improvements to the camper van whilst simultaneously allowing following traffic to drive over the impeding vehicle and so continue their journey at an optimum speed. The only complication we can foresee is that camper van drivers will have to learn to give good advance notice of making a turn to avoid cars passing over the superstructure being carried off in the wrong direction.”


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