The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
The Stories Beside The News

Particle accelerator amplifies time

Scientists have made what they think is a new and potentially mind-boggling discovery about the nature of time.

Although the results obtained remain to be verified, it seems that at very high speeds, when matter is driven close to the speed of light around a particle collider, there is a corresponding effect on time. Ever since Einstein’s theory of relativity, scientists have known that time and space are inextricably linked but this discovery is something new. Professor Klein, part of the team which conducted the experiment that produced the results said: “At this point we do not know if the effect observed is produced at the quantum level or is part of a relativistic effect but there seems little doubt that we have managed to amplify time. This does not mean time passes at a different rate, just that there is more of it. It is difficult to explain outside the mathematics but essentially more spatial phenomena can occur in the same temporal moment.” There is considerable speculation in the scientific community about what implications this discovery would have on our understanding of what occurred just after the Big Bang.


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