The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
The Stories Beside The News

Personal space module

For anyone who has longed for a bit of privacy and for a bit of peace and quiet during a crowded, noisy commute or stuck in a busy public place, it seems a solution is now available.

Equipoise who describe themselves as ‘a design company for modern living’ today unveiled the prototype of their Personal Space Module or the Privacy Bubble. According to the specifications released by the company the module, using a lattice of graphite fibre memory struts threaded through a double skinned, transparent cover, is able to be spring-assembled in under thirty seconds. Shaped to accommodate the human form (in several sizes) the flexible module can then be occupied and the occupant is able to stand or sit in their own space with what the makers claim is a considerable reduction in ambient noise. Additional options include an air filter, a miniature workstation with its own power source, and an opacity polarizer to enable the occupant to go to sleep. They also claim that the bubble is flexible enough that it can be used while sitting in the seat of a plane or train or even while standing in a packed underground carriage.


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