The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
The Stories Beside The News

General warns over UK bloodless coup

It has been suggested that a revolution could be staged by locking Britons out of their own country

A senior army figure has warned over the potential for a bloodless revolution in the United Kingdom. Major-General Truss, now retired, has spoken out about the threat and his concerns that the government ‘is sleepwalking on this one.’ He claims that a combination of economic recovery coupled with an increasing economic and social divide in the country is opening Britain up to the possibility of a take-over. “This sort of potential event has been troubling me for some time,” said Major-General Truss, “But it really came home to me when I was driving to the Alps with my wife to go on holiday this year. On the drive from Calais to Reims, a hundred and fifty odd miles on the A26, I barely saw a French car. Instead, I saw thousands and thousands of English cars. This sort of mass exodus presents an ideal opportunity for any group planning a revolution. With the country empty of the upper and middle classes, the revolutionaries need only close the ports and airports, effectively locking all those people out of the country without a shot being fired. We concentrate a great deal on securing our borders but haven't paid enough attention to being locked out ourselves”

A spokesperson for the Home Office responded by saying: "Whilst we always value the advice of a respected military figure such as General Truss, who has served this country well, we are confident that all measures have been taken by Border Force to prevent an unauthorised body from taking control and shutting down our borders."



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