The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
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Astrological pregnancy kit is born

Home pregnancy tester offers a complete future personality prediction triggered by hormone analysis

A new pregnancy kit is being marketed today by Zodiacal Light, the astrology and horoscope concern. The makers say that the device, as well as serving its primary purpose of determining whether or not the user is pregnant, will also be able to provide a wealth of astrological information relating to the recently conceived foetus. This is said to be produced by a much more accurate 'quantification' of the hormone chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and a very precise interpretation of the gestational age of the foetus.

“We know from experience that a great many people want to find out what sort of a person their child is going to be at the earliest possible stage.” said Fey Nygaard product development chief at Zodiacal Light. “With this device – which we are calling Positive Sign – they can not only have all the excitement of discovering that they are pregnant but now they can have a picture of what sort of a life they are bringing into the world.”

Hillary French, head of public relations at the company, agreed, saying: " It can be extremely useful for prospective parents to be able to know in advance what sort of character and skills their child is likely to have so that they can prepare to provide for them in a targeted manner. Will they be musical or more sporty or both, highly competitive or a dreamer, will they tend more toward the arts or the sciences? It can be good to have answers to these questions as early as possible so that the child comes into a world perfectly adapted, and ready to cater, to its needs. We have even spoken to some parents who are predisposed toward the arranged marriage system. With this device they will be able to establish compatibility with viable spouses – ahead of the competition, so to speak."



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