The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
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Doppelgänger dating

A new introductory service for people looking to find themselves is launched today

A new online matchmaking site, Selfsame, has started up which promises to try to bring identical or nearly identical people together. The company says that by using the very latest facial recognition algorithms it believes it has a high chance of matching its clients to people who bear a striking similarity to themselves.

"Narcissism has garnered an undeserved reputation." says Sally Faulks founder of Selfsame. "Of course there is unhealthy narcissism but there is also a perfectly reasonable quality of self-regard and there are a growing number of people who find nothing wrong in admiring themselves for who they are. These people need to be catered for."When asked how she felt about the phrase 'opposites attract' Miss Faulks replied: "That may be true for some but not necessarily for all. Many people find they have a sympathetic attraction to those people they resemble and are drawn to the same features they admire in themselves."

"Not everyone will want to use this site for romantic encounters and, naturally, we can't guarantee that, even if you find your lookalike, they'll want to consider a relationship." added Giles Drew one of the site's developers. "But our service may be of interest to those who simply want to find their doppelgänger whether of the same or opposite sex - just out of curiosity. With the number of photos posted on the internet daily, particularly selfies, we think everyone has a good chance of finding their double."



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