The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
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Human height "too divergent"

There are worries that differences in people's height could lead to a two tier system

People planning to have families are being asked to consider seeking partners with whom their combined height measures no more than 12 feet 4 inches (376cms) and no less than 10 feet 4 inches (315cms). Recent demographic analysis has shown that there is an increasingly large gap or divergence in human height and this is an apparent attempt to reduce the extremes of human height and tighten the range so that it remains closer to a nominal average or mean human height.

“Clearly we are not appealing to members of an existing partnership but we are asking those single people who are looking for a long term partnership that includes a family to have one eye on the height of their prospective partner.” explained Violet Chalon of the international agency Human Quantities who are issuing the appeal and have been behind similar initiatives. She stressed that any solution must operate globally in order for it to work; adding: "Without some kind of intervention, this could develop into quite a serious problem. We are nearing the stage where more and more people are twice the height of others. For one thing manufacturers of all sorts of products like clothing and furniture, baths, beds, and the like, will have to start producing a huge range of sizes."



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