The online edition of the Journal of Factual Probability
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Mirror, mirror on the wall

Fashion recognition software to help you get dressed in the morning

A new high tech mirror has been designed which, although it cannot tell you if you are, indeed, the fairest of them all, can tell you if you have made a fashion misjudgement or not. The makers, Returning Images, claim that the built in visual recognition software can save someone from a dress sense disaster by analysing what they are wearing and providing feedback. “At its most basic functionality, the smart mirror will learn you own fashion style and let you know if it thinks you have deviated from your own characteristic colour combinations or the sorts of shapes and cuts you normally use.” Diane Warston, design director of Returning Images, explained. “However, the program can be upgraded so that it then follows the interactive fashion parameters of one or more fashion gurus that it has been taught. In that way you will be benefiting from the one to one fashion advice of experts in your own bedroom before you leave the house. We aren’t releasing the names of these experts until we have finalised all the details but they will be some of the biggest names in the industry.”

As a quirky touch, the company says that the mirror’s owners can opt to customise the interactive responses in a wide variety of ways: anything from the adoring voice of your favourite film star through to the scolding voice of a less favourite great aunt.



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